Hands with Telenor  to Optimize Customer Experience

We’ve partnered with Telenor to provide direct and seamless integration between Telenor Easypaisa and JazzCash to optimize the customer experience. This agreement aims to enable a digital ecosystem for consumers to enhance their ability to manage financial and mobile communications needs by providing reliable, border-less services. Through the partnership, the Easypaisa App can be used to purchase Jazz airtime and similarly the JazzCash mobile application can be used to purchase Telenor Pakistan’s bundles. Jazz bundles will also be available on the Easypaisa App in the future. This is a welcome development given the digital world is increasingly agile and there is a need to leverage digital channels to make it as easy as possible for customers to choose what service they should use.

Quote from the CCO: “Our priority is to promote consumer choice and improve access to high-quality digital financial services—which is especially important for underserved households. This partnership with Easypaisa is essentially a vital step towards this mandate of ours. Collaborating with a competing mobile payments provider shows our willingness to build a border-less payments ecosystem, which shall help build a more open, interoperable payments system in the future,” said Jazz CCO Asif Aziz. “Through this integration, we are providing consumers with enhanced functionality and freedom to choose their preferred mobile money account for all pre-paid and post-paid transactions related to Jazz or Telenor Pakistan.

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