for a safer Pakistan

In times like such, awareness of preventive and safety measures is vital to #FlattenTheCurve. We’re committed to playing our part by helping the Government send awareness messages to the general public as well as suspected and identified cases. Furthermore, Jazz in collaboration with PTA took the following steps:

  1. The Standard ring-back tone was replaced with the “Coronavirus Precautionary Instructions” IVR/Ring-back tone.
  2. SMS containing “CoronaAlert” (precautionary measures/ safety tips/ helplines) were broadcasted nationwide
  3. SMS in regional languages (Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, and Pushto) were sent to regional language speakers in the 4 major provinces of Pakistan.
  4. In collaboration with LEAs, travelers that have recently returned from COVID-19 affected countries (such as China, Japan, South Korea, KSA, and Europe) were sent messages containing GOP helplines in case they have contacted the virus and may be infected so that may seek help from designated organizations.
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